“I loved every minute of my time in Ecuador and made friends that I hope to keep forever. I learned so many new and interesting things that I will never forget and my Spanish improved greatly. For anyone thinking about going abroad I would recommend Ecuador in a heartbeat. Most people fear the unknown but that is where you find the most amazing things.” Lucy, Ecuador 2018

Locations: Quito & rural communities              Accommodation: Host family                Length of Stay: 8 weeks             Start Dates: Flexible

Type of Placement: Both urban and rural options          Language lessons: Yes (80 hours) 

Volunteering abroad can challenge you in many ways – Read more about what challenging can mean

Types of Projects

This project is in the parish of one of Quito’s marginalised neighborhoods, where some of the children are considerably disadvantaged. At the daycare center, the focus is early childhood education for 1-3 year olds. Primary school students attend the after-school support center.  60 children are divided in three groups, each of them gets support from one group leader, who helps the children if needed with their homework. For interested volunteers there is always time to play or organise other activities.

Hear from Past Participants!

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Read Eimear's Story